Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Is marital rape an abuse or a right?

Some men are in the habit of forcing themselves
on their wives, believing that they have a right
to sex at anytime, whether the wives like it or
not. Is this right or wrong?
Rape » is the act of having unlawful carnal
knowledge of a woman or girl without her
consent or with her consent but obtained by
using force, threat or intimidation.
This kind of rape also happens among married
people. Victims of such acts have been reported
to live with stress, fear, anxiety, and guilt for
‘provoking’ the abuse and are frequently
subjected to intense criticism.
For most Nigerian men, sex with their wives is
their rights and the woman should not give any
excuse whenever her husband is in the mood,
no mater how tired or weak she is.
Some of these men feel that since they are the
ones who married the women, then sex is one
of the main reasons they got married in the
first place.
Sadly, some cultures give credence to the fact
that a woman has no right over her body and
should never say 'no' to her husband. This has
led to many men sexually abusing their wives
and they do not see this as an offence because
they are lords of the homes.
The society we live in also does not seem to
believe that a man can actually rape his wife
nor see anything bad in marital rape.
Some women too cannot even complain that
they were raped by their husbands as no one
would take them serious.

5 Steps To Deal With Guys Looking At Your Girlfriend

If you're dating a beautiful woman, it
probably comes as no surprise that she's
drawing the attention of a large number of
guys as you pass by together. As
complimentary as it may be, it's natural to
feel uncomfortable and perhaps a little
peeved that several guys are ogling her
everywhere you go. Before
you blow a fuse, handle the situation with
care and learn how to deal with guys who
have their eye on your girlfriend.
Laugh it off . Take their attention for what it
is a
and be happy that you’ve got a
woman by your side. When you notice some
guy making
googly eyes at your girlfriend, show him and
your sweetie
that a little innocent competition doesn’t
bother you. Give
the guy a little eye contact to show him you
see him
looking and keep moving.
Stay close. When you’re walking around in
the mall or at
a special event, don’t make the mistake of
walking so far
away from your girlfriend that she looks like
she’s single.
Stay close by so other guys know she's not
Show affection. Give your onlookers a little
Practice a little PDA (public display of
affection) when
you’ve got a few guys looking your way. A
kiss or an
embrace will be just enough for the nosy guys
to only
wish they had what you’ve got. Be honest
with your
girlfriend though, and let her know what's
going on to
maintain trust in your relationship.
Ask your girlfriend to chime in. If the looks
become a
problem, ask her to pipe in with a word or
two. She can
whisper to her fans that she’s taken or point
to you and
mention, “I love this guy.” The looks are
playful and
shouldn’t threaten your relationship. Have
fun with all the
attention and feel lucky that she’s drawing
the interest.
Enjoy it. As long as you have confidence in
relationship and you feel a solid connection,
shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Enjoy
the extra
attention and be proud that you're dating a
beautiful girl.
Don’t allow the attention she attracts to
destroy your
sense of security in your relationship.

Female African Soccer Star Forced To Strip Naked To Prove She Is Female

Last year, Equatorial Guinea star and one of
Africa’s leading footballers, Genoveva
Anonma made headlines when she called for
the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations to be
cancelled to avoid spreading the Ebola virus
to her home country. Now the former African
women’s “Footballer of the Year” has opened
up to the BBC about the embarrassing
treatment she received from African football
authorities when they asked her to strip
down naked and prove she was a woman.
Rival teams had questioned Genoveva
Anonma’s gender but instead of instigating
proper medical gender tests, they simply
forced her to strip naked straight after
Equatorial Guinea won the Africa Cup of

BBC Sportshour's Sam Sheringham spoke to
Genoveva about that harrowing event, and
she said:
“I don’t know how they usually do it, but they
kept accusing me. Because I’m quite energetic
and very strong they say it was impossible
that I could be a woman. I don’t know what I
did to make them think I’m a man. They
didn’t do any hospital tests. I was hoping they
would call me to tell me they were taking me
to a hospital to do tests – but they never did.
I’ve never had a single apology”

Monday, 12 January 2015

A New Tool to Make Your Money Last

Get ready to hear a lot more in 2015 about
“longevity insurance,” an increasingly popular
product among would-be retirees and a
potentially important tool for financial
Longevity insurance is more properly known as
a deferred income annuity (DIA). “Deferred” is
the key word. An immediate annuity begins
making payments soon after you buy it;
a deferred annuity’s payout typically begins 10
or 20 years into the future.
That delay means a buyer can get large
payments in later life with a relatively small
payment upfront.
Through the first nine months of 2014, sales of
deferred income annuities totaled $2 billion–
still a very small share of the overall annuity
market, but a 35% increase from a year earlier,
according to Limra, an insurance and financial-
services research organization in Windsor,
Conn. Fifteen insurers now sell deferred
annuity products, up from three insurers just
three years ago.
As a result, more investors and advisers
“outside of the ivory tower” are now focusing
on longevity insurance, according to Wade
Pfau, a professor of retirement income at the
American College in Bryn Mawr, Pa. In a current
article in the Journal of Financial Planning, Mr.
Pfau surveys the DIA landscape and explains
how these products might help meet retirees’
income needs.
Advantages . Deferred annuities produce a
guaranteed paycheck, typically late in life; as
such their value is as much psychological as
“A client may really worry about outliving their
assets, especially if market returns are poor
during retirement and the client lives well
beyond life expectancy,” Mr. Pfau says. “The
income from a DIA helps alleviate these
concerns when they are most likely to
materialize in late retirement.”
So-called longevity annuities also provide a
form of “dementia insurance,” Mr. Pfau notes.
Given cognitive declines, some people in their
80s and 90s encounter problems managing
their money and making decisions about
withdrawals from nest eggs. A DIA, Mr. Pfau
adds, “provides a predetermined plan to help
manage household finances automatically when
clients are most vulnerable.”
Disadvantages . As with many traditional
annuities, people who buy a deferred annuity
give up control of the premium. If you need the
funds for some other purpose before payments
begin, you’re out of luck. (In some cases, you
can buy a rider that provides for the return of
premium in the event of an early death.)
What’s more, inflation protection is
problematic. Inflation-adjusted DIAs apply only
after income begins; thus, investors are left
trying to figure out what inflation rates might
look like in the years before annuity payouts
start and just how large those payouts need to
“If inflation is higher than anticipated, the level
of real income provided by the DIA may not be
sufficient to cover…late-retirement spending
needs,” Mr. Pfau writes.
Income strategies . To see how a DIA might be
integrated into a retiree’s portfolio, Mr. Pfau
compares four options for producing income in
later life: a 20-year TIPS ladder (Treasury
inflation-protected securities) to help with
expenses early in retirement, coupled with a
DIA for later life; a 30-year TIPS ladder
(without a DIA); the purchase of an inflation-
adjusted immediate annuity (as opposed to a
DIA); and a traditional portfolio of stocks and
bonds (again, without a DIA).
Each strategy, of course, has its strengths and
shortcomings. But Mr. Pfau finds that
combining a DIA with a 20-year TIPS ladder has
the “advantage of safely supporting a 4.17%
withdrawal rate in perpetuity for [individuals]
who are particularly worried about downside
DIAs also received a boost last July from the
Treasury Department, which authorized
investors to buy “qualified longevity annuity
contracts” (a type of DIA) inside retirement
accounts. The move, in effect, provides relief
from rules involving required minimum
distributions from those accounts.
“If DIAs have not been on your radar as a
retirement income tool,” Mr. Pfau concludes,
“they certainly deserve a closer look.”

Google Isn’t Fixing Some Old Android Bugs

Google GOOGL -0.73% appears to no longer be
fixing security flaws in the oldest versions of its
smartphone Internet browser.
The previously undisclosed move could leave
some users with older phones exposed to
snooping by hackers and spies, security
researchers said.
The new policy applies to the default browser in
Android version 4.3, released in mid-2013 and
known as Jelly Bean, and earlier. That covers
roughly two-thirds of the billion-plus Android
devices in use, according to Google, but some
users may have updated their browsers to
newer versions.
The policy does not apply to browsers in
Android 4.4, or KitKat, which Google released
in October 2013, or Android 5.0, or Lollipop,
released in November 2014. Those versions
changed how websites are viewed on Android
The security blind spot illustrates the challenges
companies face as they try to move customers
onto newer products and focus security
resources on patching more-current software.
Microsoft MSFT -1.25% applied the same
reasoning when it stopped supporting Windows
XP , first released in 2001, in April.
That makes any new security holes found in the
old software dangerous after they become
public, since the companies won’t fix them.
The tension is particularly acute at Google,
which has spent the past few years championing
Internet security. The company has led the way
in encrypting email and gives preference in its
search rankings to websites that use
Rafay Baloch, a Pakistani security researcher,
discovered Google’s shift a few months ago after
he found several bugs in the old Android
browser. Researchers like Baloch, sometimes
called “white hat hackers,” comb through
popular software searching for slipups that
could give bad hackers an opening. Tech giants
like Google and Facebook FB -1.31%
sometimes pay researchers for their
As recently as September, Google had fixed, or
patched, one of Baloch’s security flaws in the
older browser. But when he submitted another
one later in the fall, Google’s security team
responded that if the affected Web browser is
on Android 4.3 or earlier, “we generally do not
develop the patches ourselves but do notify
partners of the issue.” Google said it would
distribute patches developed by others.
“What Google doesn’t seem to be considering
seriously, though, is the cost associated with
this move,” Tod Beardsley, a senior engineer at
Rapid 7, who has worked with Baloch and
Google on the issue. Beardsley reasoned that
many consumers buy old phones to save money
and not all carriers push through Android
This past fall, Google announced a new project
to sell sub-$100 phones in developing markets.
Called Android One the push requires phones to
ship with Android 4.4 or later and receive
automatic updates for up to two years.

China’s Water Problems Are Even Worse Than You Think: Report

Let China sleep, for when she wakes she will
shake the world, Napoleon once supposedly said.
He might also have warned: Let China sleep, for
when she wakes she will be really, really
A new report published in the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences journal says
China’s water shortage crisis is likely to deepen
as the country continues to develop.
Government efforts to try and redistribute
water from relatively water-wealthy regions to
more parched provinces are also likely to
further exacerbate the problem, the authors
In an interview, co-author Dabo Guan criticized
the so-called South-North Water Transfer
Project — a $81 billion effort to re-route water
from the south to the drier north – in
particular. While the government has touted its
elaborate solution to the Chinese capital’s
rapidly falling water table, Mr. Guan said that
by 2020 the additional water infusions brought
by the project — which recently began
delivering water to Beijing — would likely
satisfy only 5% of the city’s overall demand.
“A metaphor is, if you have a cold, if you have a
temperature, antibiotics is the cure, it’s the
solution.” By contrast, the transfer project is
“like paracetamol,” a pain reliever, said Mr.
Guan, professor at the University of East Anglia.
According to the United Nations, though China
is home to 21% of the world’s population, it
contains only 7% of the world’s freshwater
supplies. Particularly in its north, the country
is deeply parched – so much so that the
government last week said it would begin
encouraging people to eat potatoes, rather than
more water-intensive traditional staples such as
rice and wheat, to try and conserve water.
Prior to the arrival of infusions from the south,
Beijing’s per-capita water volume was just 100
cubic meters, 1.25% of the world’s average level.
With the water from the south, that figure will
go up to 150 cubic meters per person, according
to state media reports.
The UN says a region is considered “water-
stressed” when annual water supplies dip below
1,700 cubic meters per person.
In addition to the physical rerouting of China’s
water flows, the report’s authors say that that
numerous water-strapped provinces end up
inadvertently exporting their own water by
producing water-intensive goods like coal and
livestock that get shipped off to other,
wealthier regions. As a consequence of these so-
called “virtual” water exports, Mr. Guan says,
water-poor provinces find their supplies even
more strained.
Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi
and Hunan provinces are the losers, accounting
for 78% of virtual water exports, the report
says. Comparatively water-rich regions like
Shanghai, Guangdong and Zhejiang rank among
the top virtual importers. Nationwide, such
virtual exports account for more than one-third
of the country’s national water supply.
To address the country’s appetite for water,
Mr. Guan advocates a greater push for more
effective use—for example, fighting leakage in
agricultural irrigation—as well as consumer
cutbacks and a shift toward less water-
intensive industries, such as the service
Still, the report’s authors sound a pessimistic
note, given the Middle Kingdom’s continuing
high rates of growth: “Improving water use
efficiency is key to mitigating water stress, but
the efficiency gains will be largely offset by the
water demand increase caused by continued
economic development,” they write.

4 Scenarios Where A Reverse Phone Lookup Will Save The Day

These days, most of us have cell phones
with caller ID, so we can usually identify
the person on the other end of the line
right away. But, caller ID can’t account
for folks who you don’t already have
saved in your phone.
When faced with an incoming call from a
number you don’t recognize, a tiny war
breaks out in your mind: Do I answer, or
let it go to voicemail? On one hand, you’re
curious. What if it’s an old friend from
high school who wants to catch up? On the
other hand, what if it’s your annoying
cousin, or some telemarketer?
Fortunately, you can do a reverse phone
lookup and instantly uncover the identity
of an unknown caller.
Here are just a few scenarios where
having this tool at your fingertips would
come in handy.
1) Right after you just broke up with
You’ve just cut yourself free from
someone who was uber-clingy. Awesome!
The person has tried to call you a few
times, but you know better than to answer
(thanks caller ID). But, now you’re getting
random calls at all hours of the night from
numbers you don’t recognize. Is your ex
calling you from a friend’s cell to trick
you into answering the phone? If you run
a search on the number and see that the
call is coming from your ex’s roommate’s
cell phone, then you’ll know not to
answer. It may sound stalker-ish but
people do desperate things when they’re
heartbroken. Look it up before calling
2) When you get a hang up call at
3:00 in the morning
What kind of sociopath wakes someone up
in the middle of the night?! Unless you’re
a night owl, hearing your phone ring at
such an ungodly hour is more than a little
unsettling. It can be so nerve-racking that
you may even have a hard time getting
back to sleep.
Want a quick and easy way to alleviate
your fears? Do a reverse phone search on
the number, and if you don’t recognize
the name that comes back, you can also
order a full background check on the
person with just one extra click. If some
crazy sex offender was calling me in the
middle of the night, that’s something I’d
want to know. . .
3) When you get a text from a random
number that says, “WHERE YOU
Hmmm. Is this a friend whose number you
didn’t save who wants to party, or a
weird stranger that literally wants to
know your physical location? Perhaps
this is an honest mistake, but it could be
something more sinister. A reverse phone
lookup is a great way to dig deeper.
4) When you want to background
check someone, but you don’t know
their last name
You exchanged numbers with someone
you met at a bar, (don’t worry we’ve all
done it at least once) but now you’re not
sure if you ever want see that person in
the light of day. You can run a search on
their number with our reverse phone
lookup tool , and you’ll have the option to
upgrade to a full background check with
just one click. Find out if you finally met a
keeper, or just encountered another lame
Imagine having the power to know exactly
who’s calling you at all times. Never miss
another opportunity because you let an
important call go to your voicemail. Avoid
awkward conversations with someone
from your past. Reverse phone puts you in
How would you use our reverse phone
lookup? Let us know in the comments!

Public Records - Now Online

Been issued a speeding ticket? Failed to stop at
a stop sign? What about your family members?
And friends? If you are like most of us, the
answer to at least one of those questions is
“yes”—the vast majority of us have slipped up
at least once or twice.
An innovative new website— Instant Checkmate
is now revealing the full “scoop” on millions of
Instant Checkmate aggregates hundreds of
millions of publicly available criminal, traffic,
and arrest records and posts them online so
they can easily be searched by anyone. Members
of the site can literally begin searching within
seconds, and are able to check as many records
as they like (think: friends, family, neighbors,
etc. etc.).
Previously, if you wanted to research someone’s
arrest records, you might have had to actually
go in to a county court office—in the
appropriate county—and formally request
information on an individual. This process may
have taken days or weeks, or the information
might not have been available at all. With
websites like Instant Checkmate, however, a
background check takes just a few clicks of the
mouse, and no more than a minute or two.
While preparing this article I decided to run a
quick search on myself to give the service a
real-world test. To my dismay, the search
revealed several items I’d long forgotten—one of
them being for the possession of a fake ID I was
(embarrassingly) issued back in college when I
was just 18 years old.
"possession of a fake ID I was
(embarrassingly) issued back
in college when I was just 18
years old"
After searching myself and finding those
records, my curiosity was piqued, and I began
researching family members—apparently my
aunt Susanne isn’t a very good driver, judging
by the numerous traffic citations that showed
on her record.
One of the most interesting aspects of Instant
Checkmate is that it shows not only criminal
records, but also more general background
information like marriage records, divorce
records, various types of licenses (medical,
firearm, aviation, etc.), previous addresses,
phone numbers, birthdates, estimated income
levels and even satellite imagery of known
addresses—it’s really pretty scary just how
much information is in these reports.
In addition to giving information on the specific
person you search for, the report also includes
a scrolling list of “local sex offenders” for
whatever region you’ve searched—along with a
map plotting out the locations of those
offenders. I started perusing the ones that
showed up in my report, and I was absolutely
blown away when I stumbled upon my junior
high school wrestling coach’s mug shot.
I was absolutely blown away
when I stumbled upon my
junior high school wrestling
coach’s mug shot.
His crime was listed as "Out of state offense,""
so I wasn’t able to get the specifics (you usually
can—this was an unusual case), but he was
definitely a registered sex offender. Scary stuff.
I would definitely recommend this tool to friends
and family. Anyone can start running
background checks on Instant Checkmate
within a few seconds—just click this link to get
If you would like to search someone you know,
click here .

Celine Dion Quitting Las Vegas Show – Husband Rene Angelil Dying From Cancer

According to several new reports , Celine Dion
is passing on coming back to Las Vegas.
Initially, it was assumed that Celine would
come back to her stint at Caesar’s Palace after
taking a break in March to take care of her
sick husband, Rene Angelil. Celine and Rene
Angelil have been married for 20 years, and
they’re some of the richest people in Quebec –
it’s not like they’re desperate for the money.
And, unfortunately, the deeply tragic news is
that Rene’s health has been ailing for a while
and sources say that he is dying from cancer.
Celine – and other sources – might have
assumed that she would return to work after
Rene improved, but if she’s cancelled on
coming back, then I don’t think we’re jumping
the gun by assuming the worst .
Apparently, Celine has also informed Caesar’s
that the earliest possible date she would be
returning is at the end of the year. She
reportedly didn’t give a specific date, and why
would she? It’s her husband’s health we’re
talking about, not a broken ankle or
‘exhaustion’, which are popular celebrity
excuses for partying too much.
Although some sources claim that Rene Angelil
– who is battling throat cancer – is getting
better, I think that Celine’s continuing time
off from work says otherwise. She’s already
taken time off to take care of him, and if she’s
continuing to do so, either his health has
remained the same or likely gotten worse. If he
really was getting better, I don’t think Celine
would take an entire year off work. Sure, they
don’t need the money, but it’s also a career
that she’s worked extremely hard for.
What do you guys think? Is Rene Angelil dying
from throat cancer, or is Celine Dion just
taking time off from her Las Vegas stint to
spend time with her ailing – but getting better
– husband? Let us know your thoughts in the
comments below.

Emily Maynard Pregnant: Baby Bump Reveal On Instagram – Former Bachelorette Expecting Child With Hubby Tyler Johnson! (PHOTO)

Emily Maynard is pregnant with husband Tyler
Johnson ‘s child, and of course she took to
social media to share that news and reaffirm
to all of her followers that she is, indeed,
pregnant. Emily, much like most other reality
stars, took to Instagram to reveal the first
photo of her baby bump, captioning the photo,
“too much pizza. ” Har har har.
She added that her due date is in July 2015,
which is less than a year away. Also, we do
have to say congratulations to Emily Maynard
and Tyler Johnson, who are one of the few
couples leaving the Bachelor and Bachelorette
dynasty and actually staying together. Tyler
Johnson reportedly proposed last January,
and Emily accepted. The couple was only
engaged for a few months before getting
married in June, and they’ve stayed together
happily since then.
There were relatively few breakup rumors and
cheating rumors concerning Tyler and Emily,
especially in comparison to other Bachelor and
Bachelorette alumni. Heck, the fact that they
have stayed together for more than a year and
are actually expecting a child together is
practically a miracle in itself. We all know how
this usually works, right? There’s a grand
proposal and engagement following the end of
the show, followed by months of endless
gossip, drama, and the rumor mill turning on
itself. Then, after a few months [or even a
year] of this, the couple either breaks up or
rushes their marriage. In fact, this actually
happened with Emily Maynard and Jef Holm ,
and Emily actually went through quite a few
guys before settling on Tyler.
What do you guys think about Emily
Maynard’s pregnancy with husband Tyler
Johnson? Do you think that even after the
birth of their first child, they still stay
together? Or will they break up, just like Emily
and her first Bachelorette boyfriend, Jef
Holm? Once a cheater , always a cheater – isn’t
that the saying? And there was no way Emily
was going to stay with a broke hobo serving
burgers for a living – thus, entering Tyler

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Spot the difference featuring Justin Bieber

Photoshopped vs original...see any difference?

Wonder of creation: Two Oceans Meet But The Water Does Not Mix. Pictures

In the Gulf of Alaska two oceans come
together but the water does not mix.
This shows a strange natural phenomenon
that occurs when heavy, sediment-laden
water from glacial valleys and rivers pours
into the open ocean. There in the gulf, the
two types of water run into each other, a
light, almost electric blue merging with a
darker slate-blue.

Reality star sisters, Laura & Gloria Govan pose topless in new pic

The Basketball LA Wives reality star released
these pic last night, taken backstage during a
photo shoot.

MEET The Only Woman Who Married The President Of Two Different Countries

Machel.She is the third wife of former South
African president Nelson Mandela and the
widow of Mozambican president Samora
She is the only person in history to have been
first spouse of two different African
countries, serving as the First Lady of
Mozambique from 1975 to 1986 and the First
Lady of South Africa from 1998 to 1999.
If Mandela dies today, would she port again?
Anyway, if she must do, she shouldn't try
Jonathan otherwise PEJ will bury her

Islam Does Not Mean Peace But Rather Submission To The Commands Of Allah - Imam

A British Muslim activist, Anjem Choudary
has written an open letter entitled 'People
Know The Consequences' in support of the
Charlie Hebdo shootings on Wednesday.
No fewer than 12 people died after three
armed men stormed the building of a
satirical newspaper - Charlie Hebdo on
Wednesday, January 7.
In the letter published online , Choudary
known for making controversial statements
said: " Contrary to popular misconception,
Islam does not mean peace but rather means
submission to the commands of Allah alone.
Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the
concept of freedom of expression, as their
speech and actions are determined by divine
revelation and not based on people's desires."
He adds: " Although Muslims may not agree
about the idea of freedom of expression, even
non-Muslims who espouse it say it comes
with responsibilities. In an increasingly
unstable and insecure world, the potential
consequences of insulting the Messenger
Muhammad are known to Muslims and non-
Muslims alike. "
The post asks: "Why did France allow the
tabloid to provoke Muslims? " and Choudary
says: " Western governments are content to
sacrifice liberties and freedoms when being
complicit to torture and rendition — or when
restricting the freedom of movement of
Muslims, under the guise of protecting
national security. " The name Choudary is not
new to controversial issues bordering on
religion and Islam. In 2014, it was gathered
that he held a network dubbed the "gateway
to terror", Choudary has been accused of
hailing terrorists responsible for 9/11
attacks, tagging them "magnificent martyrs".

Friday, 9 January 2015

Saudi Blogger Flogged Openly, Gets Jail Term & Ordered To Pay $266,000 For ‘Insulting Islam’

A Saudi Arabian blogger has been publicly
flogged after being convicted of cybercrime
and insulting Islam, BBC reports. Raif Badawi,
who was sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 10
years in jail, was flogged 50 times.
The flogging will be carried out weekly,
campaigners say.
Mr Badawi, the co-founder of a now banned
website called the Liberal Saudi Network, was
arrested in 2012. Rights groups condemned his
conviction and the US appealed for clemency.
On Thursday state department spokeswoman
Jen Psaki urged the Saudi authorities to
"cancel this brutal punishment" and to review
his case.
In addition to his sentence, Mr Badawi was
ordered to pay a fine of 1 million riyals
($266,000; £175,000).
In 2013 he was cleared of apostasy, which
could have carried a death sentence.
Last year Mr Badawi's lawyer was sentenced to
15 years in prison after being found guilty of a
range of offences in an anti-terrorism court,
the Associated Press news agency reported.
The flogging took place outside a mosque in the
Red Sea city of Jeddah after Friday prayers,
witnesses said.
AFP news agency, quoting people at the scene,
said Mr Badawi arrived at the mosque in a
police car and had the charges read out to him
in front of a crowd.
He was then made to stand with his back to
onlookers and whipped, though he remained
silent, the witnesses said.

Quack Doctor's cesarean operation kills mother, cuts baby

An Indian medical doctor has been accused of
causing the death of a pregnant woman through
a cesarean session operation while also cutting
up the new born baby.
The family of an expectant woman is up in
arms with an Indian medical doctor » whose
incompetence in carrying out a cesarean
session operation on her led to her death as
well as scarring the new baby. The pregnant
woman, Funkemi Hunpe , » according to the
New Telegraph Newspaper, » died as a result of
the alleged negligence by the Indian doctor, Dr.
M. B. Jayaram, while being delivered of her
She was said to be undergoing a cesarean
operation at the hospital, Prema Sai Hospital,
Agege, Lagos State, when she gave up the ghost.
Her distraught husband, Semako Hunpe, said
that the medical personnel at the hospital were
responsible for the death of his wife as well as
inflicting severe cuts on his baby, Oluwasetemi
Mary Hunpe, while she was being delivered.
Hunpe further alleged that after his wife died,
the hospital called a pastor to pray for her,
hoping to resuscitate her. He is also angry that
throughout his wife’s prolonged labour, the
doctor did not bother to join the nurses in the
labour room until it was too late.
The sad widower has gone ahead to sue the
doctor and the hospital to the tune of N500m.
In the suit filed by his lawyer at an Ikeja High
Court, Hunpe alleges that the doctor’s
professional misconduct led to his wife’s
Hunpe averred that his wife consulted
Jayaram on 17 February, 2014, for the purpose
of ante-natal services. He narrated that when
his wife began to notice pre-delivery signs on
February 24, she went to the hospital and was,
'subsequently placed on admission and given
injections, sequel to which she was ordered to
engage in labour exercise for several hours
without medical attention from available mid-
wives and auxiliary nurses.'
Hunpe said that he was invited into the labour
room after several hours of intense labour
without adequate care and was asked to
encourage his wife, 'to push out,' as she
appeared exhausted.
In the labour room, the widower alleged he saw
a nurse apply 'Aboniki' (a balm) on his wife.
The nurse was allegedly rubbing the deceased’s
abdomen with the balm, while asking her to
"After this amateurish mechanism did not yield
the desired result, they cut my wife three times
to bring out the baby and placed it somewhere
unattended to."
He said that that there was no doctor present
throughout the delivery. A nurse later went to
call Jayaram, according to him. Hunpe said
that his wife bled profusely to death owing to
the unprofessional cuts she received. The
widower alleged that Jayaram told him around
6:45pm on February 26, 2014, to call his
pastor, as she did not think that his wife could
He explained that he was later informed that
his wife was dead. The hospital allegedly called
a pastor to pray for the resurrection of the
deceased. But the woman did not resurrect.
But the hospital's counsel, John Adanike, has
denied the charges of unprofessional
misconduct, saying the doctor performed her
professional duty in the best manner
throughout the time the deceased stayed in the
"Our client denies being negligent in any manner
or being guilty of any professional misconduct.
Consequently, our client denies liability to pay
damages in the sum of N500 million or any sum
at all. No doctor would willingly allow the death
of his patient. He would work with all his
professional knowledge to save life.
But if by any circumstance death occurs, the
doctor or the hospital should not be held to
ransom. People die every day."

Sisters In Arm Abuja prostitutes form association

Commercial sex workers » plying their trades
in Abuja and surrounding environs like
Nasarawa and Niger States have decided to
come together and form an association to press
for the legalisation of their profession » so as
to resist any form of harassment for
authorities and indivuals.
The leader of the body which goes by the name
Commercial Sex Workers Association of
Nigeria, CSWAN, who calls herself Lady Gaga,
says the formation of the association is for the
prostitutes to come together and fight for the
rights to carry out their trade and that they
are prepared to do anything within the ambit
of the law to protect their means of livelihood.
"Why will people leave their problems and focus
on other people who are struggling for survival?
If we chose to use what we have to get what we
want, is it anybody’s business?"
According to her, the association will liaise
with relevant organisations to provide
insurance and health scheme for all registered
She also added that the group will provide the
means for members who might want to acquire
additional skills, as well as guide them and
ensure that all forms of stigmatisation and ill
treatment against their profession were
Lady Gaga is of the view that sex work is like
any other profession that people go into to eke
a living and wondered why people would chose
to look at sex workers as those engaging in
illegal thing.
Lady Gaga further said that prostitutes in the
Federal Capital Territory were operating
without any form of harassment until the
emergence of Nasir el-Rufia, the former
Minister of the FCT who demolished most of
the suburbs and also placed unnecessary
restrictions on them.

Photos: Check out Rick Ross new face tattoo

Former corrections officer turned rapper Rick
Ross recently got a tattoo of basketball team,
Miami Heat logo above one of his eyebrows.
Looks painful. Another pic after the cut...

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Check Out This Norway Prison Where Prisoners Live Like Kings

It is called the Halden Prison
It is the World's Most Humane Prison
Prisoners eat like princes. On a recent
afternoon homemade orange sorbet and slices
of tropical fruit lined the table.
Prison guards must not maltreat them. In
fact they frequently eat meals and play
sports with prisoners
Their health is intact. Doctors, dentists,
gynecologists etc are always around
They learn to play musical instruments and
record their own songs. They compete on
Norway's version of American Idol

Every 10 to 12 cells share a kitchen and living
room, where prisoners prepare their evening
meals and relax after a day of work. None of
the windows at Halden have bars.

There's also a recording studio with a
professional mixing board. In-house music
teachers — who refer to the inmates as
"pupils," never "prisoners" — work with
their charges on piano, guitar, bongos and

Norway's prison guards undergo two years of
training at an officers' academy and enjoy an
elevated status compared with their peers in
the U.S. and Britain. Their official job
description says they must motivate the
inmate "so that his sentence is as meaningful,
enlightening and rehabilitating as possible,"
so they frequently eat meals and play sports
with prisoners

Dentists, doctors, nurses and even librarians
work in the local municipality, preventing a
subpar prison standard from developing.

Exercise is mandatory every morning, and of
course they have professional and well
trained instructors

inmate rooms are arranged by prison guards

Harmathan? President Goodluck Jonathan rocks a red lipstick

Very Funny . President of the federal republic
of Nigeria, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan applied a
red lipstick in new photo released by reuben
abati on twitter . Could this be fashion or
because of Harmathan?
Leave your opinion in the comment section

Nicki Minaj releases more pics from her Rolling Stone photoshoot

Here are more sexy photos from Nicki Minaj's
Rolling Stone magazine photo-shoot shot by
famed photographer, Terry Richardson. Nicki
posed bottomless in a skimpy white t-shirt
with the US flag inked across the front and an
American flag bedazzled denim cap. Another
pic after the cut

Photos: Reality star Laura Govan suffers wardrobe malfunction on the red carpet, nips pop out

Former Basketball Wives LA star Laura Govan
suffered major wardrobe malfunction on the
red carpet at 'The Wedding Ringers' movie
premiere in LA on January 6th. While posing
for pics with her more famous sister, Gloria
Govan, on the red carpet, Laura's strapless
Michael Costello gown slipped down and her
nipples were set free. See the pics after the

Meet the brothers who killed 12 people in Paris massacre yesterday

been identified as the men who stormed into
the office of French satirical magazine Charlie
Hebdo yesterday and killed 12 people,
including two police officers. A third suspect,
18 year old Hamyd Mourad, who didn't fire any
shorts, surrendered to police late last night
after seeing his name circulating on social
media. The two brothers, who are said to have
been trained in Yemen as assassins, are still at
One of the suspects, Cherif Kouachi & 6 others
were arrested and sentenced to 3 years
imprisonment for terrorism in Paris in May
2008. All seven men were accused of sending
about a dozen young Frenchmen to join Abu
Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in
Iraq, after funneling them through radical
religious establishments in Syria and Egypt.
French authorities believed Kouachi had been
planning to go to Syria for training in 2005.

They shot a police officer at point blank range
as they fled the Charlie Hebdo office yesterday

BIZARRE: Why I Made My Husband Impotent – Woman

A middle-age childless housewife in Ekwuoma
community, Delta State, identified as Mama
Patience, has allegedly rendered her
husband, a 62-year-old farmer, impotent
after she reportedly fed him with a prepared
Reports said that the housewife, a well
known beans cake seller (“akara”) ,had on
Sunday, confessed to using what was
described as ‘remote control’ via concoction
to inhibit the function of the husband’s
genitals after they had disagreed on
inexplicable issues.
It was reliably gathered that Mama Patience,
as she is fondly called, had in October 2014
threatened to make life unbearable for the
husband whose second wife had complained
of abandonment and lack of conjugal
attention from the husband, for over five
years, a threat that resulted in family
meeting where the woman (Mama Patience)
was fined two goats and some tubers of yam
to appease the gods of the land.
While their quarrel lasted, there were
allegations and counter-allegations of
telepathy powers being used by Mama
Patience, which she dismissed as the
handiwork of her enemies.
Sources said that Mama Patience had been
married for 24 years to the husband but
could not bear a child, a situation that led
the husband to take a second wife.
Expectedly, her husband’s marriage to
another woman generated bad blood as
accusing fingers were allegedly pointed at
different directions.
Confessing before a large crowd of persons,
the woman said: “Yes, I mixed up a
concoction to prove a point to my husband
when he told me that he can no longer sleep
with me and would rather go back to the
second wife. The concoction, which was
prepared for me by a native doctor in a
neighbouring community, was to render him
impotent. He took it and there was result.”
Speaking on the incident, a family member,
who did not want his name in print, said that
the family resolved to banish her from the

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Nicki Minaj undergoes butt reduction surgery?

That is what MediaTakeOut is claiming. Read
If you liked Nicki Minaj and her gigantic
cakes. . . you're going to be disappointed
wih this report. MediaTakeOut received
word that Nicki Minaj checked into
Cedars-Sinai hospital yesterday in Los
Angeles - undergoing a minor medical
procedure. She checked out later the
same day. This is not rumor - it's #facts#
What was the procedure? It's not clear -
but a snitch claims that Nicki underwent a
booty reduction surgery. The procedure
sucks fat out of your butt - using
Liposuction, to reduce its size.
And she did it in a few hours? Really? Walked
in and out of hospital same day? Uhmmmm..

Meet the man who murdered his rich dad for reducing his pocket money

30 year Thomas Gilbert Jr, (pictured left) shot
his 70year old rich dad Thomas Gilbert
(pictured right) at his Manhattan home on
Sunday afternoon January 4th. Gilbert Sr was
the founder of $200million hedge fund,
Wainscott Capital.
Thomas Jr had gone to see his father at his
home after the father threatened to stop
paying his $2,400-a-month rent and also cut
his weekly allowance to $300, according to
New York Daily News. While father and son
were reportedly arguing about their issues,
Thomas Jr sent his mother out of the house to
buy him a sandwich so she wouldn't witness
what he was planning to do.
According to reports, Thomas, who attended
$50,000-a-year school, then shot his father in
the head and left the gun, said to belong to his
father, on his chest.