Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Is marital rape an abuse or a right?

Some men are in the habit of forcing themselves
on their wives, believing that they have a right
to sex at anytime, whether the wives like it or
not. Is this right or wrong?
Rape » is the act of having unlawful carnal
knowledge of a woman or girl without her
consent or with her consent but obtained by
using force, threat or intimidation.
This kind of rape also happens among married
people. Victims of such acts have been reported
to live with stress, fear, anxiety, and guilt for
‘provoking’ the abuse and are frequently
subjected to intense criticism.
For most Nigerian men, sex with their wives is
their rights and the woman should not give any
excuse whenever her husband is in the mood,
no mater how tired or weak she is.
Some of these men feel that since they are the
ones who married the women, then sex is one
of the main reasons they got married in the
first place.
Sadly, some cultures give credence to the fact
that a woman has no right over her body and
should never say 'no' to her husband. This has
led to many men sexually abusing their wives
and they do not see this as an offence because
they are lords of the homes.
The society we live in also does not seem to
believe that a man can actually rape his wife
nor see anything bad in marital rape.
Some women too cannot even complain that
they were raped by their husbands as no one
would take them serious.

5 Steps To Deal With Guys Looking At Your Girlfriend

If you're dating a beautiful woman, it
probably comes as no surprise that she's
drawing the attention of a large number of
guys as you pass by together. As
complimentary as it may be, it's natural to
feel uncomfortable and perhaps a little
peeved that several guys are ogling her
everywhere you go. Before
you blow a fuse, handle the situation with
care and learn how to deal with guys who
have their eye on your girlfriend.
Laugh it off . Take their attention for what it
is a
and be happy that you’ve got a
woman by your side. When you notice some
guy making
googly eyes at your girlfriend, show him and
your sweetie
that a little innocent competition doesn’t
bother you. Give
the guy a little eye contact to show him you
see him
looking and keep moving.
Stay close. When you’re walking around in
the mall or at
a special event, don’t make the mistake of
walking so far
away from your girlfriend that she looks like
she’s single.
Stay close by so other guys know she's not
Show affection. Give your onlookers a little
Practice a little PDA (public display of
affection) when
you’ve got a few guys looking your way. A
kiss or an
embrace will be just enough for the nosy guys
to only
wish they had what you’ve got. Be honest
with your
girlfriend though, and let her know what's
going on to
maintain trust in your relationship.
Ask your girlfriend to chime in. If the looks
become a
problem, ask her to pipe in with a word or
two. She can
whisper to her fans that she’s taken or point
to you and
mention, “I love this guy.” The looks are
playful and
shouldn’t threaten your relationship. Have
fun with all the
attention and feel lucky that she’s drawing
the interest.
Enjoy it. As long as you have confidence in
relationship and you feel a solid connection,
shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Enjoy
the extra
attention and be proud that you're dating a
beautiful girl.
Don’t allow the attention she attracts to
destroy your
sense of security in your relationship.

Female African Soccer Star Forced To Strip Naked To Prove She Is Female

Last year, Equatorial Guinea star and one of
Africa’s leading footballers, Genoveva
Anonma made headlines when she called for
the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations to be
cancelled to avoid spreading the Ebola virus
to her home country. Now the former African
women’s “Footballer of the Year” has opened
up to the BBC about the embarrassing
treatment she received from African football
authorities when they asked her to strip
down naked and prove she was a woman.
Rival teams had questioned Genoveva
Anonma’s gender but instead of instigating
proper medical gender tests, they simply
forced her to strip naked straight after
Equatorial Guinea won the Africa Cup of

BBC Sportshour's Sam Sheringham spoke to
Genoveva about that harrowing event, and
she said:
“I don’t know how they usually do it, but they
kept accusing me. Because I’m quite energetic
and very strong they say it was impossible
that I could be a woman. I don’t know what I
did to make them think I’m a man. They
didn’t do any hospital tests. I was hoping they
would call me to tell me they were taking me
to a hospital to do tests – but they never did.
I’ve never had a single apology”

Monday, 12 January 2015

A New Tool to Make Your Money Last

Get ready to hear a lot more in 2015 about
“longevity insurance,” an increasingly popular
product among would-be retirees and a
potentially important tool for financial
Longevity insurance is more properly known as
a deferred income annuity (DIA). “Deferred” is
the key word. An immediate annuity begins
making payments soon after you buy it;
a deferred annuity’s payout typically begins 10
or 20 years into the future.
That delay means a buyer can get large
payments in later life with a relatively small
payment upfront.
Through the first nine months of 2014, sales of
deferred income annuities totaled $2 billion–
still a very small share of the overall annuity
market, but a 35% increase from a year earlier,
according to Limra, an insurance and financial-
services research organization in Windsor,
Conn. Fifteen insurers now sell deferred
annuity products, up from three insurers just
three years ago.
As a result, more investors and advisers
“outside of the ivory tower” are now focusing
on longevity insurance, according to Wade
Pfau, a professor of retirement income at the
American College in Bryn Mawr, Pa. In a current
article in the Journal of Financial Planning, Mr.
Pfau surveys the DIA landscape and explains
how these products might help meet retirees’
income needs.
Advantages . Deferred annuities produce a
guaranteed paycheck, typically late in life; as
such their value is as much psychological as
“A client may really worry about outliving their
assets, especially if market returns are poor
during retirement and the client lives well
beyond life expectancy,” Mr. Pfau says. “The
income from a DIA helps alleviate these
concerns when they are most likely to
materialize in late retirement.”
So-called longevity annuities also provide a
form of “dementia insurance,” Mr. Pfau notes.
Given cognitive declines, some people in their
80s and 90s encounter problems managing
their money and making decisions about
withdrawals from nest eggs. A DIA, Mr. Pfau
adds, “provides a predetermined plan to help
manage household finances automatically when
clients are most vulnerable.”
Disadvantages . As with many traditional
annuities, people who buy a deferred annuity
give up control of the premium. If you need the
funds for some other purpose before payments
begin, you’re out of luck. (In some cases, you
can buy a rider that provides for the return of
premium in the event of an early death.)
What’s more, inflation protection is
problematic. Inflation-adjusted DIAs apply only
after income begins; thus, investors are left
trying to figure out what inflation rates might
look like in the years before annuity payouts
start and just how large those payouts need to
“If inflation is higher than anticipated, the level
of real income provided by the DIA may not be
sufficient to cover…late-retirement spending
needs,” Mr. Pfau writes.
Income strategies . To see how a DIA might be
integrated into a retiree’s portfolio, Mr. Pfau
compares four options for producing income in
later life: a 20-year TIPS ladder (Treasury
inflation-protected securities) to help with
expenses early in retirement, coupled with a
DIA for later life; a 30-year TIPS ladder
(without a DIA); the purchase of an inflation-
adjusted immediate annuity (as opposed to a
DIA); and a traditional portfolio of stocks and
bonds (again, without a DIA).
Each strategy, of course, has its strengths and
shortcomings. But Mr. Pfau finds that
combining a DIA with a 20-year TIPS ladder has
the “advantage of safely supporting a 4.17%
withdrawal rate in perpetuity for [individuals]
who are particularly worried about downside
DIAs also received a boost last July from the
Treasury Department, which authorized
investors to buy “qualified longevity annuity
contracts” (a type of DIA) inside retirement
accounts. The move, in effect, provides relief
from rules involving required minimum
distributions from those accounts.
“If DIAs have not been on your radar as a
retirement income tool,” Mr. Pfau concludes,
“they certainly deserve a closer look.”

Google Isn’t Fixing Some Old Android Bugs

Google GOOGL -0.73% appears to no longer be
fixing security flaws in the oldest versions of its
smartphone Internet browser.
The previously undisclosed move could leave
some users with older phones exposed to
snooping by hackers and spies, security
researchers said.
The new policy applies to the default browser in
Android version 4.3, released in mid-2013 and
known as Jelly Bean, and earlier. That covers
roughly two-thirds of the billion-plus Android
devices in use, according to Google, but some
users may have updated their browsers to
newer versions.
The policy does not apply to browsers in
Android 4.4, or KitKat, which Google released
in October 2013, or Android 5.0, or Lollipop,
released in November 2014. Those versions
changed how websites are viewed on Android
The security blind spot illustrates the challenges
companies face as they try to move customers
onto newer products and focus security
resources on patching more-current software.
Microsoft MSFT -1.25% applied the same
reasoning when it stopped supporting Windows
XP , first released in 2001, in April.
That makes any new security holes found in the
old software dangerous after they become
public, since the companies won’t fix them.
The tension is particularly acute at Google,
which has spent the past few years championing
Internet security. The company has led the way
in encrypting email and gives preference in its
search rankings to websites that use
Rafay Baloch, a Pakistani security researcher,
discovered Google’s shift a few months ago after
he found several bugs in the old Android
browser. Researchers like Baloch, sometimes
called “white hat hackers,” comb through
popular software searching for slipups that
could give bad hackers an opening. Tech giants
like Google and Facebook FB -1.31%
sometimes pay researchers for their
As recently as September, Google had fixed, or
patched, one of Baloch’s security flaws in the
older browser. But when he submitted another
one later in the fall, Google’s security team
responded that if the affected Web browser is
on Android 4.3 or earlier, “we generally do not
develop the patches ourselves but do notify
partners of the issue.” Google said it would
distribute patches developed by others.
“What Google doesn’t seem to be considering
seriously, though, is the cost associated with
this move,” Tod Beardsley, a senior engineer at
Rapid 7, who has worked with Baloch and
Google on the issue. Beardsley reasoned that
many consumers buy old phones to save money
and not all carriers push through Android
This past fall, Google announced a new project
to sell sub-$100 phones in developing markets.
Called Android One the push requires phones to
ship with Android 4.4 or later and receive
automatic updates for up to two years.

China’s Water Problems Are Even Worse Than You Think: Report

Let China sleep, for when she wakes she will
shake the world, Napoleon once supposedly said.
He might also have warned: Let China sleep, for
when she wakes she will be really, really
A new report published in the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences journal says
China’s water shortage crisis is likely to deepen
as the country continues to develop.
Government efforts to try and redistribute
water from relatively water-wealthy regions to
more parched provinces are also likely to
further exacerbate the problem, the authors
In an interview, co-author Dabo Guan criticized
the so-called South-North Water Transfer
Project — a $81 billion effort to re-route water
from the south to the drier north – in
particular. While the government has touted its
elaborate solution to the Chinese capital’s
rapidly falling water table, Mr. Guan said that
by 2020 the additional water infusions brought
by the project — which recently began
delivering water to Beijing — would likely
satisfy only 5% of the city’s overall demand.
“A metaphor is, if you have a cold, if you have a
temperature, antibiotics is the cure, it’s the
solution.” By contrast, the transfer project is
“like paracetamol,” a pain reliever, said Mr.
Guan, professor at the University of East Anglia.
According to the United Nations, though China
is home to 21% of the world’s population, it
contains only 7% of the world’s freshwater
supplies. Particularly in its north, the country
is deeply parched – so much so that the
government last week said it would begin
encouraging people to eat potatoes, rather than
more water-intensive traditional staples such as
rice and wheat, to try and conserve water.
Prior to the arrival of infusions from the south,
Beijing’s per-capita water volume was just 100
cubic meters, 1.25% of the world’s average level.
With the water from the south, that figure will
go up to 150 cubic meters per person, according
to state media reports.
The UN says a region is considered “water-
stressed” when annual water supplies dip below
1,700 cubic meters per person.
In addition to the physical rerouting of China’s
water flows, the report’s authors say that that
numerous water-strapped provinces end up
inadvertently exporting their own water by
producing water-intensive goods like coal and
livestock that get shipped off to other,
wealthier regions. As a consequence of these so-
called “virtual” water exports, Mr. Guan says,
water-poor provinces find their supplies even
more strained.
Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi
and Hunan provinces are the losers, accounting
for 78% of virtual water exports, the report
says. Comparatively water-rich regions like
Shanghai, Guangdong and Zhejiang rank among
the top virtual importers. Nationwide, such
virtual exports account for more than one-third
of the country’s national water supply.
To address the country’s appetite for water,
Mr. Guan advocates a greater push for more
effective use—for example, fighting leakage in
agricultural irrigation—as well as consumer
cutbacks and a shift toward less water-
intensive industries, such as the service
Still, the report’s authors sound a pessimistic
note, given the Middle Kingdom’s continuing
high rates of growth: “Improving water use
efficiency is key to mitigating water stress, but
the efficiency gains will be largely offset by the
water demand increase caused by continued
economic development,” they write.

4 Scenarios Where A Reverse Phone Lookup Will Save The Day

These days, most of us have cell phones
with caller ID, so we can usually identify
the person on the other end of the line
right away. But, caller ID can’t account
for folks who you don’t already have
saved in your phone.
When faced with an incoming call from a
number you don’t recognize, a tiny war
breaks out in your mind: Do I answer, or
let it go to voicemail? On one hand, you’re
curious. What if it’s an old friend from
high school who wants to catch up? On the
other hand, what if it’s your annoying
cousin, or some telemarketer?
Fortunately, you can do a reverse phone
lookup and instantly uncover the identity
of an unknown caller.
Here are just a few scenarios where
having this tool at your fingertips would
come in handy.
1) Right after you just broke up with
You’ve just cut yourself free from
someone who was uber-clingy. Awesome!
The person has tried to call you a few
times, but you know better than to answer
(thanks caller ID). But, now you’re getting
random calls at all hours of the night from
numbers you don’t recognize. Is your ex
calling you from a friend’s cell to trick
you into answering the phone? If you run
a search on the number and see that the
call is coming from your ex’s roommate’s
cell phone, then you’ll know not to
answer. It may sound stalker-ish but
people do desperate things when they’re
heartbroken. Look it up before calling
2) When you get a hang up call at
3:00 in the morning
What kind of sociopath wakes someone up
in the middle of the night?! Unless you’re
a night owl, hearing your phone ring at
such an ungodly hour is more than a little
unsettling. It can be so nerve-racking that
you may even have a hard time getting
back to sleep.
Want a quick and easy way to alleviate
your fears? Do a reverse phone search on
the number, and if you don’t recognize
the name that comes back, you can also
order a full background check on the
person with just one extra click. If some
crazy sex offender was calling me in the
middle of the night, that’s something I’d
want to know. . .
3) When you get a text from a random
number that says, “WHERE YOU
Hmmm. Is this a friend whose number you
didn’t save who wants to party, or a
weird stranger that literally wants to
know your physical location? Perhaps
this is an honest mistake, but it could be
something more sinister. A reverse phone
lookup is a great way to dig deeper.
4) When you want to background
check someone, but you don’t know
their last name
You exchanged numbers with someone
you met at a bar, (don’t worry we’ve all
done it at least once) but now you’re not
sure if you ever want see that person in
the light of day. You can run a search on
their number with our reverse phone
lookup tool , and you’ll have the option to
upgrade to a full background check with
just one click. Find out if you finally met a
keeper, or just encountered another lame
Imagine having the power to know exactly
who’s calling you at all times. Never miss
another opportunity because you let an
important call go to your voicemail. Avoid
awkward conversations with someone
from your past. Reverse phone puts you in
How would you use our reverse phone
lookup? Let us know in the comments!