Get ready to hear a lot more in 2015 about
“longevity insurance,” an increasingly popular
product among would-be retirees and a
potentially important tool for financial
Longevity insurance is more properly known as
a deferred income annuity (DIA). “Deferred” is
the key word. An immediate annuity begins
making payments soon after you buy it;
a deferred annuity’s payout typically begins 10
or 20 years into the future.
That delay means a buyer can get large
payments in later life with a relatively small
payment upfront.
Through the first nine months of 2014, sales of
deferred income annuities totaled $2 billion–
still a very small share of the overall annuity
market, but a 35% increase from a year earlier,
according to Limra, an insurance and financial-
services research organization in Windsor,
Conn. Fifteen insurers now sell deferred
annuity products, up from three insurers just
three years ago.
As a result, more investors and advisers
“outside of the ivory tower” are now focusing
on longevity insurance, according to Wade
Pfau, a professor of retirement income at the
American College in Bryn Mawr, Pa. In a current
article in the Journal of Financial Planning, Mr.
Pfau surveys the DIA landscape and explains
how these products might help meet retirees’
income needs.
Advantages . Deferred annuities produce a
guaranteed paycheck, typically late in life; as
such their value is as much psychological as
“A client may really worry about outliving their
assets, especially if market returns are poor
during retirement and the client lives well
beyond life expectancy,” Mr. Pfau says. “The
income from a DIA helps alleviate these
concerns when they are most likely to
materialize in late retirement.”
So-called longevity annuities also provide a
form of “dementia insurance,” Mr. Pfau notes.
Given cognitive declines, some people in their
80s and 90s encounter problems managing
their money and making decisions about
withdrawals from nest eggs. A DIA, Mr. Pfau
adds, “provides a predetermined plan to help
manage household finances automatically when
clients are most vulnerable.”
Disadvantages . As with many traditional
annuities, people who buy a deferred annuity
give up control of the premium. If you need the
funds for some other purpose before payments
begin, you’re out of luck. (In some cases, you
can buy a rider that provides for the return of
premium in the event of an early death.)
What’s more, inflation protection is
problematic. Inflation-adjusted DIAs apply only
after income begins; thus, investors are left
trying to figure out what inflation rates might
look like in the years before annuity payouts
start and just how large those payouts need to
“If inflation is higher than anticipated, the level
of real income provided by the DIA may not be
sufficient to cover…late-retirement spending
needs,” Mr. Pfau writes.
Income strategies . To see how a DIA might be
integrated into a retiree’s portfolio, Mr. Pfau
compares four options for producing income in
later life: a 20-year TIPS ladder (Treasury
inflation-protected securities) to help with
expenses early in retirement, coupled with a
DIA for later life; a 30-year TIPS ladder
(without a DIA); the purchase of an inflation-
adjusted immediate annuity (as opposed to a
DIA); and a traditional portfolio of stocks and
bonds (again, without a DIA).
Each strategy, of course, has its strengths and
shortcomings. But Mr. Pfau finds that
combining a DIA with a 20-year TIPS ladder has
the “advantage of safely supporting a 4.17%
withdrawal rate in perpetuity for [individuals]
who are particularly worried about downside
DIAs also received a boost last July from the
Treasury Department, which authorized
investors to buy “qualified longevity annuity
contracts” (a type of DIA) inside retirement
accounts. The move, in effect, provides relief
from rules involving required minimum
distributions from those accounts.
“If DIAs have not been on your radar as a
retirement income tool,” Mr. Pfau concludes,
“they certainly deserve a closer look.”